Scott has over 30 years of experience in marketing, market research, new product development and advertising, including 12 years of experience with the Stroh Brewery Company. He was directly involved with coordinating the expansion of the Stroh Brand into 20 western states after the acquisition of Schlitz. Scott was also heavily involved in the brewery’s new product efforts. As brand director for the Stroh’s brand family for three years, he managed annual marketing budgets of $15 to 20MM, and he was responsible for all marketing functions such as brand planning, advertising, packaging, promotions, pricing and research. Since 1994, Scott has been the co-owner of Unisearch Partners, Inc., a custom market research company specializing in integrated quant-qual techniques and qualitative studies. The firm has been an industry leader in Super Bowl ad testing for over 15 years, testing Super Bowl ads for clients like Frito-Lay (Doritos), Anheuser-Busch, and PepsiCo.

Scott Rozek
Posted by: T. Andrew Nemeckay Publish Date: Apr 16, 2015